So, today was a totally a "Wow, God!" kind of day. For those who need further explanation, that means all I could do was say, "Wow, God!" :)
I'm not even sure my words will do justice to the emotions I felt today, but I'm going to try.
First of all, church was exactly what I needed today. God spoke to my heart in several ways, and I had some great fellowship with some fellow believers and friends and the promise of more of that same fellowship in the days ahead. Sometimes I just get so weary and spending time with close friends and believers is just something I crave. I'm in that sort of season right now, and this morning was refreshing to my soul.
So, Andrew and I got in the truck and headed to his parents' house for our weekly Sunday afternoon lunch with them. Which I look so forward to! (Just a side note, its an amazing blessing to have amazing in-laws! So, thankful for them.) As we were driving, Andrew told me that some good friends of ours, an amazing couple in our church had given him a check for our adoption fund. They mentioned that they had been blessed with a nice income tax return and wanted to donate to our adoption fund. He said, I haven't looked at it yet, but its in my Bible. Just the news that someone had made an unexpected donation, caused the tears to start flowing. You see, and here is where I'm completely honest and ashamed to admit, that I've been battling the big doubts lately. The thoughts like, "There is no way on earth we are ever going to be able to raise the amount of money we need." I hate that sometimes my faith is so little and weak, but I'm extremely thankful that my Father in Heaven, continually reminds me to trust in Him. Deep down, I know He can do it, but I get so overwhelmed at times when I look at the big picture! So, I reached around and pulled out his Bible to look at the check, and was shocked! It was written out for a very significant amount! The tears immediately got heavier, and I think I cried almost the whole way home. I was just so overwhelmed by the generosity and compassion of this couple. I know for a fact, they had other things they could have used this money for, (Don't we all?) I am humbled and in awe of the way this couple allowed God to work through them. I just pray that I will always be open to being used as He has used them in my life. Their gift today, means more than just an addition to our fund, although that in and of it self is appreciated, it was a refresher to a weary heart. A heart that is trying so very hard to cling to God's promises and trust and live by faith that God will make a way, but also struggles with being human and becoming overcome by the doubts and pain of this journey. My prayer is that I will always be open to the lessons God is teaching me through this journey. That in the end, our story will be full of "Wow, God!" moments that others will see, that we can share with our children one day, and that we will always share with others to bring honor and glory to our Great God! This is the story He is writing for our lives. This is the purpose and the plan He has for us. In the moments when I don't understand or I am trying to wish it all away, I pray that I'll remember this verse: "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ." I Peter 1:6-7
I have tried to respect the privacy of our freinds, in this post, and I hope that I have; but it was too big of a moment in our journey not to record it and I wanted to say to them, "From the bottom of our hearts, Thank You, Friends!"